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How Software Robots Can Help You Take Control Of The New Normal

By TrendsTechBlog , in TECHNOLOGY , at August 26, 2020 Tags: ,

The current Covid-19 pandemic has brought numerous changes, including the creation of what is already called the “new normal”. In this scenario, technologies have come to occupy a predominant place in companies, becoming the largest investment that businesses have faced in recent months.

The digital transformation has accelerated for many companies (those that were already immersed have gone from 2-3 years to execute their digital plans, to just a few weeks), although it has highlighted the lack of foresight of others. And it is that software robots, which were already a reality, have increased their demand in sectors such as Tourism, Retail, and the Mutual sector, among others.

This rate of disruptive changes highlights the importance of not only keeping up with technological trends to be more competitive in the market but of staying ahead of them. The “new normal” is the perfect setting for companies of all kinds to start incorporating solutions such as Robotic Process Automation into their workforce.

And what can softbots do for my business in the post-COVID era? For starters, your definition can already give you a clue: RPA is a technology based on software robots that are capable of processing, interpreting, collecting, and transforming data as required by the user. This allows it to be in charge of tasks that, until then, were carried out by a human employee, and that represents a large part of the working day in their execution.

We are talking about extracting information from different databases, accessing and downloading bank data, preparing reports and statistics, completing customer files, investigating the competition, etc. In short, activities that are necessary for the operation of any department but that are considered tedious because they are too repetitive and predictable.

They are considered back-office tasks and that a software robot can perform automatically and with a margin of error of less than 1%. This means saving costs and time for the company, as well as being able to assign more staff to other areas in which they are more productive.

“New Normal”: RPA Software Robots Fulfill New Priorities

As we have already told you at the beginning of this article, the business scenario has changed and, with it, business priorities: we are talking about security, teleworking, and digital events.

  • Telecommuting: Due to temporary measures that had to be taken in a limited time, many companies were forced to promote and increase the use of technology among their employees. In a task of reassessing resources, the demand for digital solutions that covered certain tasks and that facilitated the work of workers increased. This is the case of software robots that, for example, in the Accident Mutual Insurance sector became a key element in the management and processing of aid for the self-employed (CATA).
  • Cybersecurity: The move from a physical office to a virtual one has increased concern about cybersecurity, which has been reinforced given the need to share and present information and data electronically. Preventing phishing or spoofing attacks, information theft, and fraud via the web is now one of the highest priorities for the business.
  • Promote Digital Versus Face-To-Face: The “new normal” brings a new roadmap in which everything online prevails over offline. During these months, video calls for meetings, electronic commerce, transactions through mobile phones, and webinars or digital events have been promoted. Companies have adapted to the situation and have known how to take advantage of and exploit the possibilities of technologies.

Digital solutions have become the most important work tools within a company, and have gone from being a support to a strategic option within the new roadmap of the core of the business.

The new situation focuses on more agile business models that can provide an immediate response to the needs of your sector, as is the case with RPA. From manufacturing warehouses, logistics operations, warehouse inventory management, payroll preparation, and price research.

Any activity that involves an administrative task can be automated with a software robot. If you want to know how to fit an RPA project into your company, do not hesitate to contact us.

We carry out the end-to-end process, in a personalized way and accompanying you during the journey towards the digital transformation of your company.

Also Read: How To Make Your Mobile Marketing Strategy A Success
