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12 Brilliant Tips For Video Creator Newbies

By TrendsTechBlog , in BUSINESS SOCIAL NETWORKS , at April 1, 2021 Tags: , , , ,

Are you a newbie video creator looking to spice up your content? Well, you’ve certainly come to the proper place. We’ve got these 12 handy tips to help you create stunning videos that captivate an audience. With these tools, you can certainly save yourself from loads of trouble. Let’s get started!

Start With A Solid Plan

1. Start With A Solid Plan

Firstly, you cannot create knockout videos without starting with definite plans. Simple! Secondly, planning saves your time, money, and energy. Above all, knowing your goals can help you create more successful projects. To help you start, you would like to try to to the following:

  • Set your purpose or plans.
  • Figure out your target audience.
  • Write a schedule.
  • Pick an excellent online video maker.

2. Ensure You’ve Got Crystal Clear Message

As a video creator, set a rock-solid storyboard that clearly defines your message. After all, you don’t want your voice to get drowned out by the competitors.. Thus, you must back up your vision with a strong script. To illustrate, you can produce the following:

  • An explainer video informing about your services
  • A product how-to demo for clients.
  • An engaging animated video tutorial.

In short, a well-planned video with a specific and clear message will be more effective.

Ensure You’ve Got Crystal Clear Message

3. Set A Decent Budget

A veteran video creator knows that producing videos needs a working budget. Hence, set one ahead because it will impact many things, from your voice-over talents to location. However, fret not if you’ve got a limited budget. You can always use your camera phone and a free online video maker to create your masterpiece.

4. Select The Best Location

Save yourself the trouble by choosing a good location. Whether it’s a studio or beach, make it a priority to select one with ample natural light and excellent acoustics—factor location costs when planning your production.

Select The Best Location

5. Do Not Neglect Your Videos Branding Touches

The number one priority of a video creator is to inject branding touches from start to finish. Hence, you must plan this ahead of time. Thankfully, you can add the following touches with your video editor:

  • Great title screen with company logo
  • Intro and outro credits
  • Catchy thumbnail for clicking
  • Watermark for copyright protection

Do Not Neglect Your Videos Branding Touches

6. Place The BEST Content In The Beginning

People have reduced attention spans thanks to technology. Therefore, you want to give your viewers your core message within the primary 10 seconds. Wow them right from the beginning and allow them to know what they will expect. As a video creator, you must prioritize this, or your audience will click away from your channel.

7. Select The Best Running-Time

You must determine the perfect running-time or video length ahead. Of course, this hinges on your message. Notably, today’s audience nit-pick! If you don’t capture their attention, they’re going to drop your video. Thus, you must keep these in mind to assure engagement:

  • Most audiences finish a video that’s 60 seconds or less.
  • Any video with more than 20 minutes must be captivated, or it will be dropped.
  • The best performing videos range from 2 to 5 minutes.

8. Create A Detailed Shot List

It would help to create a shot list to accompany your storyboard. This list is a breakdown of each scene that tells you where you will place your lights, camera, talents, and the like. Covering this area will make sure you don’t forget anything when you shoot. Moreover, it will save you time during post-production.

Create A Detailed Shot List

9. Prep Your Equipment

Knowing what gadgets you need for all the things on your shot list affects production. From drone to 5D wide-angle, determine what equipment you must prep to assure a successful shoot. Hence, you must have them ready before your camera starts rolling.

10. Find The Best Talent Ever

If you’re using actors, you want people who can showcase your message the best. Whether it’s the host, interviewees, or voice-over talent, you must pick someone with a strong screen presence.

Find The Best Talent Ever

11. Give Yourself Plenty Of Time

If you would like to enjoy being a video creator, never spread yourself too thin. You must give yourself a lengthy window for completing your videos. This includes pre-production, the actual shoot, and the video editing stage. Underestimating time will create havoc on your plans because unforeseen events usually crop up.

12. Stay Authentic And True

Above all else, if you want your videos to receive attention on social media, you must be genuine and authentic. Transparency and authenticity go a long way. As a video creator, you must establish your authority and credibility so that people will trust you.

Stay Authentic And True

Final Words

As a creator, find the strategies that work best for you. Take your niche into consideration, and what you can offer for that section of viewers. Your vision is your biggest weapon, so it it as best as possible.

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