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4 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs A Business Phone System

By TrendsTechBlog , in BUSINESS , at February 24, 2021 Tags: , ,

One of the top reasons many small businesses struggle or fail is that their internal systems are overly complicated and inefficient. In short, complexity is a killer. The more you can streamline the way your organization runs, the more time and energy you can spend on the things that really matter — your products or services and the people that need them. Having an all-in-one business phone system can help you simplify your communication channels and benefit your company in several important ways.

1. You Only Need One Phone

Because it’s not professional or secure to use your personal number to conduct business, you need a separate company line. However, you don’t have to get stuck carrying around two phones everywhere you go. When you get a business phone number through a virtual phone system, you can choose the number you want:

  • A “vanity” number, such as 1-800-BUY-STUFF
  • A new toll-free or local number
  • Your existing business phone number

Once you’re connected, you can easily switch between your personal and business number, and your outgoing calls will show your business number when you use it. You can set up a customized greeting and extensions, so your teammates can be reached directly. Some systems even allow you to link multiple phones to the same line and text back in reply to voicemails. It’s best to choose a virtual phone service that offers cellular connection rather than WiFi because you don’t want to risk dropped calls or spotty coverage.

2. It Improves Communication And Collaboration With Your Team

A virtual phone system keeps track of your calls, flagging those that are waiting for a response. You can text the team as a whole without worrying about having to manage multiple threads. Each person can contribute and collaborate in one ongoing conversation. Since your team all share the same line, they’ll see customers’ texts as well, allowing the right person to jump right in address their needs without the customer ever knowing it. Responses are always linked with a time and name, so you’ll be able to oversee the flow of communication and service and be certain you’re providing excellent response times with quality responses.

3. As Your Business Grows, They Grow With You

Services such as Ninja Number are completely scalable, so you can start small with just one line and add more as more people come on board. They give you access to Big Data, generating reports that analyze your call history. With performance monitoring and quality scores, you will know whether or not you’re on the right track, and if you’re not, you’ll get suggestions on ways you can improve. You can create customized reports and you’ll receive insights and advice based on data analysis. As your business improves and grows, you’ll be able to track your progress with a bird’s-eye view and get recommendations on how to reach new levels.

4. You Can Harness The Power Of AI

Without question, artificial intelligence has already made a massive impact on the business world and is a great tool to streamline tasks. For instance, if no one on your team can answer a call or text, your AI tool will answer with your customized replies to the most frequently asked questions. If it can’t answer them, it will text them that someone will be in touch shortly to answer their questions. You can set your phones to auto-reply if you know you’ll be unavailable, confident that you are providing excellent customer service and won’t miss any important calls.

In addition to AI service, you can add live operator assistance to your plan, so customers will speak with a real person right away when you’re not there to take the call. They can provide real-time customer service, after-hours service, and call management, including overflow calls.

Having a virtual phone system can make life at the office easier, less frustrating, more productive and efficient, and create more time for you and your team to do the things you do best. Streamlined communication translates to better clarity, rapport, and effectiveness — better communication means better business. It’s an important cog in the wheel of productivity, so it’s important to do all you can to get it right.

Also Read: 5 Benefits Of Performance Marketing
